Rose in the hair - carnation on the lapel!
This time we have red in focus, in combination with black and white ... - we draw, paint and mix with pigments, charcoal and red chalk on paper. I accompany you in finding yours Image excerpts with simple compositional and technical steps.
Is it about the souvenir of an Argentine tango flower, the poetry of an English breeding rose or the passionately seducing carnation in the buttonhole of a milonguero? - on floral theme also for Nontangueros and children. Material, paper and pigments are available in the coach house.
Place and time: Pfingstsamstag, 18.05.2013, 14.00-16.00h in the coach house
price/ Participant / incl. Material 26 €
Registration: Edda Grossman Tel. 039451 63076 or