"Das Wesen + Unwesen der Triangel" art workshop on 19.05.2018

Taschendiebin-72Art workshop with Edda Grossman on 19.05. 2018 from 16.30 - 18.30h

I would like to show you from the world of composition, to which holy Pentecost Spirit the Triangel springs; as the triangle Uncalled comes to you as you can get rid of it again and let you discover how to use it consciously. Here I lead you to a quick topic search. If you do not want to think of anything, you draw and paint one Pigeon on the pitched roof! And what power the triangle has in our body, you will also learn incidentally. The workshop is also suitable for children and adolescents.

The basic laws of composition are easy to learn and to experience. We work with simple means on paper with coal and three colors. Bring curiosity and please leave the talent at home for once!

Materials are available.

2 hours / € 30, - / person incl. Material

registration by phone at Edda Grossman 039451 63076 or by e-mail to tango@dobleA.de