Tango Pfingstcampo May 17-23, 2018

Pfingsten2018The art mill celebrates her 10-year-old Tango-WhitsunCampo from 17th to 21st May 2018. Armin and Anke - known as dobleA  from Dresden - bringing with her passion new and long-grown organizational under one roof:  Natalia Aguero & Agustin Venturino from BsAs that have grown in my heart at the Dutch Taboe summer 2017 in Utrecht, we will be offering unforgettable workshops. The Dutch singer Laura Magliese formed with the likewise singing guitarist and life artist Henk Bruinsma the Duo Tangolicious.  They will travel to Veckenstedt for the 5th time and will travel with the Argentine Duo Ranas Meadows, tango frogs, house and court souls. Leandro Schnaider and Pablo Schiaffino will be new danceable compositions premiere. Regina Herrmann will be an energy donation QiGong offer in the morning and I will join one of the arts as usual Drawing + painting workshop conduct. To be really well, we are from the Englishwoman Diane Kerry + its mysterious "Oilteam" all around. Nobody can resist their culinary art, especially their humor! The siren call of Armin Krieger invited  DJs already draws its circles. This fulfills my great dream Altes + Junger, Traditional + Neutraditional in the art mill Veckenstedt connected with you to experience. Here the link to the flyer:


and to the registration form:
